Book Club 502

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Making a connection

Hello Book Club 502! This is Mrs. Witter again. I have to admit it has been a while since I have read Lord of the Flies, but reading all your comments helped me remember some things about the book. I do remember that it was a hard book to understand because of the vocabulary and it was such a weird setting (teenage kids on a deserted island--that's weird!). From many of your comments, it sounds like you are finding parts of this hard to understand, too.

Sometimes when books are hard to understand, it helps to connect your reading to something you can understand. So I was thinking--what can I compare The Lord of the Flies to? Then I got it--the TV show Lost! Do any of you watch it? Even if you don't, maybe another TV show to think about is Survivor. When you can picture these TV shows in your head, it might help you understand the setting and the strange vocabulary in the book. Let me know if this helps!


At 5:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Witter,
Thank you so much for the reading technique. I will use this when reading "Lord of the Flies." The vocabulary is still difficult for me to understand though. Do you have an idea to help the class with vocabulary?


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Sue W said...

Jillian (and the rest of Book Club 502),
I hope that my suggestion helps you. Vocabulary is a huge barrier to understanding! I actually have lots of ideas about vocabulary and would love to visit your classroom some day soon to share them. But until then, here are a few helpful hints:

Sometimes it is okay to let some words go unknown if they don't really interfere with your understanding too much. You can just look them up later in the dictionary just for your own curiosity. You can skip words like proper names and locations.

Another helpful hint is to keep reading when you come to an unknown word because sometimes you will get a definition or at least some clues to the meaning later on in the paragraph.

I hope these help you, Jillian, and I look forward to an invitation to come to your classroom to share some more. Keep up the hard work!

At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the beast from air?


At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are the kids so scrad of the beast and why is piggy not brave?



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