Book Club 502

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ralph As A Leader

Defend and/or criticize Ralph's actions as a leader. What were his motivations? Could he have acted to prevent any of the deaths? What would you have done differently in this situation?
Dont't forget to sign off with your first name!


At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph is a good leader under the situation. Hes doing everything he can but he dose not have a lot of expirance in leadership yet. He has potential but still needs work. Also, he could not have saved anyone. He was like everyone else and dose not know what happened. What I would do diffrently is that during the night I would appoint someone to keep watch so that the littlums would fell better and maybe have less nightmares.


At 4:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Ralph is a good leader in the case of what the childerns are going throw on the island after the plan crash. It is a very hard part to play ijn the caseee that Ralph as to play in to the story as a learder.


At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Ralph makes a good leader. He is more mature than the other teens, but he doesn't have the maturity of an adult.
Ralph is responsible for the deaths in the story as well.


At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I proably would do alot diffent stuff like "I would not let the kids do what ever they want to do on the island" this is because of the fact that it would be dangeris to do that right after a airplan crash like that in the lord of the flies. I would not build a fire like they did.I proably would do that after we would have some kinf of orgizion with what just happen.


At 6:54 AM, Blogger Sue W said...

Hello Book Club 502! This is Mrs. Witter again. Unlike you, I have to work today (it is the day before Thanksgiving) I enjoyed reading your comments to Mrs. Seils's question--defend and/or criticize Ralph as a leader. Well, here is what I have to say...I think Ralph did the best he could as a leader. It's difficult to lead in a situation where you have no other checks and balances in a society. What I mean is he did not have police to help him enforce the rules, or a legal system to interpret the rules, etc. He had to do it all himself. I think Ralph was motivated by wanting to do the right thing for everyone. He definitely could have prevented the death, but he may have lost his life instead. I don't think I would have done differently. This makes me think...Have I ever not prevented something that I should have? Unfortunately the answer is probably yes. Thankfully it hasn't been a life or death situation, but I certainly have listened to gossip that I should have said, "Please stop talking about that!" Has this ever happened to you?

At 4:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are the vocab words that i do not understand?







At 7:39 AM, Blogger Sue W said...

Thanks so much for letting me know the vocabulary words that were difficult. They will be very helpful to me in planning a lesson.
Mrs. Witter


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