Book Club 502

Friday, December 08, 2006

Vocabulary Strategies

Jordan, Jillian and Justin--
I was just wondering if you have had any opportunities to try out the vocabulary strategies--Make a Personal Connection, Word Sorting, or Possible Sentences. Let me know how they are working. Hey, I have a few Possible Sentences for you. I look forward to your answers!

Is a conch delicate? Why or why not?

Can you show belligerance in an affectionate way? Why or why not?

Should you state a theorem in an inarticulate way? Why or why not?

Mrs. Witter


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)I believe a conch shell can be fragile. If you dropped it from a certain height, it would most likely shatter.

2)You probably could show belligerence in an affectionate way. You could do this as a defense mechanism to reduce your amount of frustration.

3)No, you should not state a theorem in an inarticulate way. If you do this, people will not take you seriously.


At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1). Yes the conch is a delicte thing because it is a shell

2). No you can not because the two do not go together.

3). Yes you would to get your veiw out to the genller public.

At 4:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) I think the conch could be fragile. If you throw it against the wall it could break or just chip a little.

2) I think not. You could get agressive at someone yet be difficult to use compasion in the mix.

3) Theorems should be stated with an unemotional exprssion not in an Inarticulate form. For many it may make people not want to hear the theorems.


At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that a conch is delicate. A Conch shell is almost like glass. It is beautiful, but if dropped, it will shatter.

No, I don't think that you can show belligerance in a kind way. The word belligerance is an aggressive attitude. When someone is aggressive or hostile, it is hard to use that nicely.

No, you shouldn't state a theorem in an inarticulate way. The word inarticulate means expressing something without using words. This would be difficult to do because people may not understand you.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.)I think a conch is delicate because it can break if you smashed on the ground or dropped it. It's not titanium, it's a delicate shell.

2.)You cannot show belligerence in an affectionate way because belligerence means an agressive attitude while affectionate means a warm and friendly attidute. They are two opposite attitudes.

3.)A theorem is a theory. Theories usually require a large amount of detail when you explain them. Inarticulate means using a little amount of detail when explaing something. This means you can not be inarticulate when explaining a theorem.

Josh -

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Sue W said...

Wow, Book Club 502! Your knowledge of the words conch, delicate, belligerence, affectionate, theorum and inarticulate is amazing and very evident in your responses. Hopefully you feel like you know these words much better by taking the time to answer my possible sentences. Please send my some more challenging vocabulary and we can keep the conversation going! What are you reading right now, and what are some of the words that are puzzling you?

Mrs. Witter


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