Book Club 502

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Watson's Vocabulary

Please list 4 vocabulary terms that were not sure of as you were reading. Write what you thought the words meant (by using those great strategies you've learned), and then look them up in a dictionary to get the actual definition.


At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Words That I have Found Were:

My deffinsion:A person without care for order.
There Deffinsion: One who fails to do that which is required by law

My deffinsion: A thing you put on your head to keep your weave.
There Deffinsion:Chemicaly Stratened Hair.

My deffinsion: To attack some one by holding you hard around someones neck tightly.
There Deffinsion: A move used that could chause unconchiness or death.

My deffinision: Not too dangurus. May cause harm.
There Deffinsion: Not planed. Lack of order or plane.


At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vocabulary Words:

My Definition: something that sticks
Actual Definition: a bur, barb, or thorn

My Definition: crying
Actual Definition: to weep noisily

3)Cutting up:
My Definition: to cut into pieces
Actual Definition: to clown, joke, etc. to attract attention

My Definition: being in charge of someone or something
Actual Definition: the state or quality of being senior; precedence in birth, rank, etc.


At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Blubbering

My definition-
Making wierd noises to yourself.

Real definition-
To utter while weeping.

2) Conk

My definition-
A different hairdo.

Real definition-
A hairstyle in which the hair is straightened out and flattened down or lightly waved.

3) Pinnacle

My definition-
The most important thing.

Real Definition-
The highest point of development or achievement.

4) Seniority

My definition-
Being kind for elderly people.

Real definition-
The quality or state of being senior.

Josh -

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

regards- to say hello to someone.
Definition- friendly greetings.

radioactivity- disease/alkaline.
definition- transmitting energetic pieces.

blubbered- shouted out.
definition- to utter while wheeping.

pomade- hair gel.
definition- fragrant hair dressing.



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