Book Club 502

Monday, January 22, 2007

Watson's Comments

List one question AND two comments you've recorded in your journal (or on stickies) from the reading we've done so far.


At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Byron signing up for something Momma and Dad know nothing about?

Oh, no. Byron just killed a mourning dove with a Swedish Creme cookie.

Aww...Byron has decided to give the dead bird a little funeral.


At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pg.127 - If Mrs.Davidson loves Joey so much, why does she give her a bad present that Joey doesn't like.

Pg.129 - I can't believe that Byron did nothing while everyone else was packing to go to Alabama.

Pg.133 - I'm suprised by the way Momma has planned the trip out.

Josh -

At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the reason that Byron has a negative feeling toard his family members?

Brown boomer. I have many car brands and that is the funniest to me.

A record player in a car. Just thinking about it give me a confused feeling.


At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Byron learn a lesson by living with his grandmother for the time or go back to his old habits?

I have enjoyed the book. I was expecting th book to be sad because of the Civil Rights tiime period. Not funny.

I really enjoyed the part when Kenny asked what a hillbilly was!



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