Book Club 502

Monday, January 22, 2007

Watson's - Chapter Titles

Re-name the last chapter we read. Then give an explanation as to why you would have called it that. Make sure it relates to the chapter reading!


At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have decided to rename Chapter Nine "Our Big Journey to Birmingham". The reason for this is because the Watsons are driving all the way down to Birmingham. It will also be a long journey for the Watsons.


At 5:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the last chapter could be called "Taking Byron to Birmingham".

I think it should be called "Taking Byron to Birmingham" because the chapter is about the Watsons preparing for the trip down south to Alabama. The Watsons are taking Byron to Birmingham to spend the year with grandma Sands.
Josh -

At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would rename the last chapter, "The Journey on God's Beard." I would rename it this because Kenny and his family felt the cool air, which felt heavenly and because the family was on a journey down to Birmingham, but it felt as though they were in heaven.


At 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would rename Chapter 9 "Big Trouble in Little Alabama". This is because the journey involves going through some tough problems to get to Birmingham, Alabama. Also, I enjoyed the film "Big Trouble in Little China".



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