Book Club 502

Monday, May 14, 2007

Define Normal Introduction

Just by looking at the book cover and reading the title, what do you think this book might be about, and why? Don't forget your initials!


At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the book "define normal" is all about diffrent groups of people and how their lifestyle is normal for them than others.

I made this conclusion because from the picture of a young woman who seems normal, and the other young woman looks wild and from the title, that this has something to do with people tolerating or accepting diffrent lifestyles.


At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the book Define "Normal" is going to be about two girls that have nothing in common, but will see that despite their physical appearances, they have things in common that will bring them together.
I think the book will show that before judging a person, you should get to know that person first.


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From looking at the cover, I think this novel is about a teenage girl who changes in a bad way due to stress and hard times.


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The class is now reading the novel "Define Normal". I believe the story is about a girl who has difficulty fitting in with the rest of the crowd. I drew this conclusion by looking at the illustrations on the cover and then at the book title.


At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The book is likely about a girl who tries her hardest to get a good education and her opposite, a rebellious girl who could not care less about school. Eventually, they will become good friends.



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