Book Club 502

Monday, May 14, 2007

This Year's Literature

What was your favorite piece of literature this year? It can be a novel or short story. Explain why you enjoyed it, and why you might recommend it to a friend. Remember to put your initials!


At 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personaly do not like books, but if i have to recomend a book to anyone, I would recomend "Civial War Nurse".
The reason i would recomend that short story is because it shows the effects of war. The depiction of what solders faced during war phycialy and mentaly was horrid. Also, it showed the great metal strenght needed to be a nurse. Also, it also is a perfect example of good human nature during war time in a hospital for example one soilder was in great pain from his wounds, yet he was more concerned for the people around him. Even when he was in great pain.


At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This year, we have read many books. However, my favorite would be "A Walk to Remember," because it is a story about a girl who has Leukemia. During the time, she tutors a rebel high schooler who has nothing in common with her.
The boy, Langdon, ends up falling in love with her. I think this is a good story about judgement and how ytou should get to know a person, before you judge.


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite piece of literature this year was the novel "The Watsons go to Birmingham". I enjoyed this novel because it was full of humor while at the same time, it had to do with U.S. History. I might recommend this book to a friend because the book is funny, it's full of action, and it deals with the civil rights movement.


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I liked reading "The Lord of the Flies". I enjoyed the descriptions about what the island looked like, and what happened there. I thought about what life would be like in the shoes of Ralph, the main character. I also enjoyed drawing the scene where the conch shell is shattered.


At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I most enjoyed reading the story/play "The Importance of being Earnest", because it encouraged you to puzzle out the lies and the facts concerning the two main characters and their names. It was also quite funny at times, a bit confusing too.



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