Book Club 502

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Lottery

As we were reading, we periodically stopped and made predictions as to what was going to happen next, as well as why we thought certain things were happening. What was the first prediction you made about what the "lottery" was?

Now that you know what it was, why do you think the villagers held the lottery every year? It doesn't have to be one of the reasons we discussed!

Do you think something like that would take place in the U.S. today? Why?

Please don't forget your first name!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ralph As A Leader

Defend and/or criticize Ralph's actions as a leader. What were his motivations? Could he have acted to prevent any of the deaths? What would you have done differently in this situation?
Dont't forget to sign off with your first name!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Making a connection

Hello Book Club 502! This is Mrs. Witter again. I have to admit it has been a while since I have read Lord of the Flies, but reading all your comments helped me remember some things about the book. I do remember that it was a hard book to understand because of the vocabulary and it was such a weird setting (teenage kids on a deserted island--that's weird!). From many of your comments, it sounds like you are finding parts of this hard to understand, too.

Sometimes when books are hard to understand, it helps to connect your reading to something you can understand. So I was thinking--what can I compare The Lord of the Flies to? Then I got it--the TV show Lost! Do any of you watch it? Even if you don't, maybe another TV show to think about is Survivor. When you can picture these TV shows in your head, it might help you understand the setting and the strange vocabulary in the book. Let me know if this helps!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Character Symboliziation

Pick one characher and discuss what they symbolized.